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Apple will require app developers to provided the personal information practices

Apple published an article on November 5, stating that the App Store will display the types and purposes of personal data collected by each App. In order to cooperate, Apple requires developers to fill in relevant information for each App. After December 8th, developers need to provide the information to upload new apps and make updates to apps.

A section will be added to the app’s detail page, showing the types of personal data that will be collected in the App and the rough usage after collection. In addition to the general “contact information” and “location information”, the types of personal data also include more special types such as “search history”, “web browsing history”, and “system usage”. Developers need to provide this information to Apple to ensure that users can clearly understand what information will be collected and used.

Apple reminds that even if some data will only be collected under certain circumstances, developers must list the data. In addition, developers needs to make sure that the information provided is kept up to date.

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