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Avenue of Stars Adds AR Technology to take photos with superstar

The Avenue of Stars will officially open on January 31, 2019. Apart from enjoying the beauty of Victoria Harbour on the seaside, the refurbished Avenue of Stars will join AR technology and will become a landmark once again in Hong Kong.

The refurbished Avenue of Stars has 107 superstars’ palm prints and bronze statues (including Anita Mui Yim-Fong, Bruce Jun Fan Lee, McDull). They will inject new digital elements. You can learn about the superstars through code and use AR. Amplify the real-world technology and interact with Anita Fong and Bruce Lee.

Augmented Reality is a technology that allows the virtual world on the screen to interact and interact with real-world scenes, allowing static objects to live and enrich the user’s sensory experience.

Kitcle also provides AR application design and production services, tailor-made wedding invitations, corporate greeting cards, resumes, product launches, event exhibitions, etc.

If you have your own ideas, can create your own AR application for you, welcome to contact us!

Fung Cheung
I know nothing, only passionately curious.