Many people turn on the Incognito mode for their privacy and don’t let Google Chrome record your activity for private browsing. However, the implementation of the Incognitos mode does not completely make you “invisible”. According to Google Chrome, the following parties may still see your event: websites that you visit, your employer or school, your Internet service provider. Now, Google wants to make you safer, so that the websites you connect to don’t know if you are in Incognito mode.
Incognito mode can prevent online advertisements from tracking your browsing history, cookies, etc., and it will not be recorded. In the Incognito mode, the default setting will not automatically log in to any account, so the browser can’t record your broswering habit.
Chrome won’t save your browsing history, cookies and site data, or information entered in forms.
Google Chrome Help – Browse in private
However, Chrome has a long-standing vulnerability that allows web developers to detect if you are in a seamless mode.
Now, Google will upgrade the Chrome browser’s Incognito mode so that the websites you’re connected to don’t know if you’re in Incognito mode, that can protec your privacy and security.